Check Out the Latest Episode of Our Community Podcast featuring the Global Missions Team
The Missions Committee is very excited to announce our next Global Mission partnership with Food for the Hungry in Caq-lximche (Caw-key- shim-shay), Guatemala, after our three-member exploratory team (Laurie Laning, Gary Lord, and Candy Jordan) visited two prospective Mayan communities in the same region as our former partnership with Antioch Church.
We are partnering with Food for the Hungry (FH), who we worked with previously in the Dominican Republic. FH has a proven roadmap to transform rural poverty-stricken communities to self-sustainability through what FH calls “Child-Focused Community Transformation.”
The exploratory team was very impressed by the presentation of the community leadership in both Caq-lximche and Rosario Italia. They are actively involved with FH in programs such as:
weekly weighing of infants and toddlers to battle malnutrition • women’s group sharing best practices for pregnancy and infant care
women’s savings and loan club
families free of violence program
leadership training
Caq-lximche has a population of 990 people with the average family having six members. There are 175 children in the local elementary school. Middle and high school students must travel to other larger communities to continue their educations. Caq-lximche has a wide variety of potential projects on which Norhtminster teams can work, such as:
construction of classrooms and a playground and community latrines
vacation bible school
working in the health center
home visits
leadership training
installing and training in the use of water filters
training in the use of ecological stoves.
There is work that can be done by men or women of any age and skill level. We have set the dates for our first Northminster missions work tour to Guatemala for June 24-July 1. Please prayerfully consider making that trip.
For those who would like other ways to support the partnership, there will be opportunities for individual child sponsorships and scholarships for middle and high school students. Laurie, Gary, and Candy would happily answer your questions and share wonderful stories.
Please contact Candy Jordan at for more information.